Face masks now optional

Updated in-person worship guidelines: Face masks are optional in services as of March 2, 2022 because of the current low number of infections and hospitalizations in the community. This change comes considering the guidance and recommendations of SCDHEC, MUSC and the CDC. 

Please worship from home and do not attend small group meetings if you are exhibiting any COVID-like symptoms, are aware of an exposure, or have been asked by a school or other institution to quarantine or isolate.

Thank you for your continued consideration.

Reminder of our worship safety guidelines

In-person worship guidelines:

Due to the significant rate of COVID-19 community transmission, the CDC continues to recommend indoor masking in public settings for everyone. While a large portion of our congregation is vaccinated, there is a significant number of children who have not yet had the opportunity to be vaccinated, which affects the health and safety of the vulnerable and immunocompromised among us. Please continue to wear a face mask in church, even if you are fully vaccinated.

Please worship from home if you are exhibiting any COVID-like symptoms, are aware of an exposure, or have been asked by a school or other institution to quarantine or isolate.

Thank you for your continued consideration.

A note from SPK

Weekday Preschool and Kindergarten

spk 2020.jpg

The Second Presbyterian Preschool and Kindergarten is in full operation.  We are working with our consultants on the MUSC Back to Business Team to ensure that our children stay safe and healthy.  We have some protocols that we would like to share with our church family:

·      During this time of high alert for the spread of covid, we do not allow anyone, but our staff and children in the school building (beyond the yellow doors) and outside play areas during school hours (8:15 a.m – 2:30 p.m.)  If you have business at the church, please enter from the front of the Education Building.  Someone is always here to let you into the building.

·      We do not allow visitors on our playground or in the Kindergarten building.  

·      We also, do not allow pets on the premises when children or staff are present. 

·      If you are involved in church work on the grounds or in the building, please do not open the gates or doors for strangers.  If a church staff member is available to speak with people seeking assistance, that person (either the Pastor or Suzann) will meet them on the steps of the building.  This is a very important security issue.

We are very grateful for the church family’s support of the Weekday Program.  Thank you for helping us keep the children in our care safe. We are blessed to share our faith with these precious families at SPK!

- Sue Henderson and Erin Kerr, Co-Directors

Updated in-person worship guidelines for delta variant

2pc covid sign-1.jpg

Updated in-person worship guidelines:

Out of concern for those most vulnerable, we continue to follow CDC guidelines and current recommendations for indoor gatherings include social distancing and that face coverings be worn by all individuals.

Please wear a face mask and maintain social distancing while gathered for church, regardless of your vaccination status.

Thank you for your continued consideration.

Covid-19 Task Force Update

Photo Credit: Andrew J. Whitaker for The Post & Courier

The CDC has announced new guidelines for people who have been fully vaccinated. In general, people are considered fully vaccinated:

  • 2 weeks after second dose of Pfizer or Moderna vaccine.

  • 2 weeks after Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen vaccine.

Fully vaccinated people can worship without wearing a mask or social distancing. Per CDC recommendations, people who are not yet fully vaccinated should continue to wear masks and practice social distancing.

A congregant has reported testing positive for COVID-19

Dear Friends in Christ –

We want to let you know that a congregant from the service on November 1st has reported testing positive for COVID-19. This person was not experiencing any symptoms at the time of the service and is not aware of when they were exposed, so out of abundance of caution we wanted to alert all congregants so that they can take appropriate caution, be aware of symptoms and be mindful of this fact as they engage the week ahead. Please quarantine and/or get tested if you were in relatively close contact or exhibit symptoms of COVID-19. The individual has reached out to those with whom they were in contact on Sunday and all those who filled out a contact card will be notified within the next 24 hours and we will do our best to contact those who were seated in close proximity to the individual.

Please pray for the quick recovery of the congregant (thankfully experiencing only mild symptoms at this time), for the congregation at large and all those who have been affected by COVID-19 this year.

Thankfully everyone was wearing masks on Sunday and distance was observed and we pray that transmission will be diminished as a result of all the precautions put in place. Please take this opportunity to review the Second Presbyterian Guidelines for In-person Worship and the guidelines for symptoms and testing from the CDC. Remember to fill out a contact card each week you attend- and continue to wear a mask, wash your hands, and find ways to care for others from a distance.

At this time we anticipate still offering a masked and distanced in-person service in the sanctuary as well as an online service this Sunday, November 8 at 10:30 a.m. As is the case each Sunday, the sanctuary, narthex, and service elements were cleaned after worship and the sanctuary will be cleaned on Saturday ahead of this week's service.

Headed by Katie Mai and Dan Tenpas

In-person Worship


A reminder as you consider coming to worship in person any week:

If you are experiencing one or multiple of the following symptoms, we invite you to enjoy our online service in the comfort of your home:

  • Fever at/above 100.4 degrees

  • Incessant dry coughing

  • Loss of taste or smell

  • Fatigue

  • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath

  • Chest pain or pressure

  • Find more symptom guidelines at cdc.gov


All attending the service will be required to wear masks, with the exception of children 3 years of age and under. Childcare will not be provided. Ushers will show attendees to their seating area. Attendees will remain in their seating areas to the maximum extent possible and attendees will be highly encouraged to fill out an informational insert with a method of contact (e.g. email address). Giving is encouraged online or via text, but there will a place designated for tithes/offerings to be dropped that can be utilized either before being seated or after the conclusion of the service. Attendees will pick up their own bulletins on the way into the service. Hymnals/bibles/reading materials will all be removed from the pews. Liquid hand sanitizer will be available upon entry. Sanitizer wipes will be available in the pews.



Will there still be online church?

-       Yes. In-person Sunday services will now be available, but online church will continue.

What is the maximum occupancy we will be allowing at service?

-       Both the COVID Task Force and Music & Worship committees don’t foresee a maximum occupancy issue arising, especially given the number of church attendees before the outbreak occurred and the sheer size of the sanctuary. This does NOT preclude ushers from turning people away should a massive number of folks show for the indoor services. If this does occur, the COVID Task Force and Music & Worship committee will immediately thereafter begin exploring the exact number of occupants the church can safely admit.


Are there any criteria (i.e. positive case number spike) for suspending service and going back to strictly online recorded worship?

-       Not at the moment. Again, this does NOT preclude a suspension from taking place. Local positive COVID cases will certainly be something the COVID Task Force will continue to closely monitor, and the committee will be vigilant and swift with its recommendation to suspend service if a spike in positive cases occurs.


What sort of cleaning regimen will take place following an indoor service?

-       Pews, high contact surfaces, and bathrooms will be cleaned after each service. Disinfectant wipes will be strategically placed throughout the sanctuary so that high contact surfaces, including doorknobs and handrails, can be disinfected after each use.


What happens if a positive COVID case in the congregation is discovered following a service?

-       Cress will emphasize to the attendees during the service that if they so please, they can fill out a contact card to let us know they worshiped with us that day. If a church attendee tests positive for COVID and contacts the church, their identity will not be revealed to the congregation, but attendees from the affected service who provided their information will be contacted. The church office will send out emails to folks who filled out the contact cards, letting them know that someone who worshiped with them on that particular Sunday has tested positive.


Find out about service opportunities for those experiencing homelessness

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Interested in serving those in Charleston experiencing homelessness?

Please fill out the form below to be notified about donation and service opportunities.


“We are called by God to work together for the glory of His Kingdom, in small ways and in large ways. We must work together to promote justice and equity for all, to treat each other with respect and dignity, to lend a helpful hand to those in need, to live the life of service God calls us to. It has been a blessing to share in that mission with my Second Family for many years and I look forward to it for many years to come.”


a sense of purpose through service


The photo of Caleigh begins our adventure as she gets ready to go.


Hello Second Family,

How we miss you all and long for the day when we will be able to worship and serve together again.  There are many of you who are new members and you do not know me or my daughter, Meredith, but you will when this is over and we resume worship together.  I’ll be calling on you for service at Tea Room in the Spring. We are so happy that you have chosen to be a part of our Second Family and I look forward to meeting each of you.  

After a wonderful conversation with Cress, he asked that I share with you a mission opportunity that Meredith and I have been enjoying for several weeks.  Through Second’s weekly mailing, I discovered an invitation to serve those experiencing homelessness in the area who have been exposed to COVID-19.  My first concern was how does one serve without fear of exposure to self? So Meredith and I talked and decided to see if it fit our criteria for safety and for being of service. We discovered that it is the easiest and one of the safest ways to serve.  

The City of Charleston provides food delivery to the homeless population affected by the virus and they need volunteer drivers to deliver the food.  There is a central pickup location and 2 delivery locations.  This experience of simple joy takes about an hour of our time, such a small sacrifice.  Armed with masks and a cheerful attitude, we have found our way to be of service without worry.  We have been delivering food once a week for the the past month and have been so blessed by this simple act of service.  Meredith and I are so anxious to get going on Wednesday morning, loading Caleigh into the car, and heading into town, knowing that we will make a difference for someone in need. It helps us to make sense of what is going on around us.  Instead of feeling helpless and useless, we have a sense of purpose, small but mighty!  

We have discovered other ways to serve as well, as one of our delivery locations is the Navigation Center that helps to transition those currently experiencing homelessness to housing and jobs, or just to provide a place of security and basic needs.  They accept all donations of clothing and toiletry items, feminine hygiene products; all of these very small ways to help someone feel valued and not forgotten.

I would encourage any of you who want a safe way to serve to consider this opportunity.  You can get all the pertinent information here or from the church office or through the City of Charleston Department of Housing and Community Development.  If anyone would like to talk to me (Cathy) or to Meredith, please feel free to call.

We are called by God to work together for the glory of His Kingdom, in small ways and in large ways.  We must work together to promote justice and equity for all, to treat each other with respect and dignity, to lend a helpful hand to those in need, to live the life of service God calls us to.  It has been a blessing to share in that mission with my Second Family for many years and I look forward to it for many years to come.

Missing you all and praying for good health and safety for each of you!


Cathy and Meredith


Our first stop is for food pickup at One80Place where cheerful staff load our deliveries.


Then we are off to make our first delivery at the Navigation Center where we have discovered a more extensive mission.


So many people are served by the Navigation Center and this gentleman is one who graciously agreed to be photographed.


They are all so grateful for any help given. Our last stop is a local motel housing homeless COVID patients.


The Navigation Center serves to help transition those in Charleston experiencing homelessness into housing. That means starting a household from the ground up. They accept all donations: clothing, toiletries, feminine hygiene products, any household items, furniture, etc. Meredith and I dropped off our first donations today. We are so blessed to be able to help.

We were so excited to discover this opportunity in our Second Snapshot. Maybe some of you will consider donations to the Navigation Center or to volunteer with the City’s efforts to help those experiencing homelessness. When volunteering to deliver meals with the City, food is left at the door and no contact is required.  Meredith and I have, however, had brief introductions to some of our recipients, at a safe social distance.

Simple ways but BIG REWARDS. God gives us ways to serve that we never expected.  He just asks us to SERVE, to be His Light to the world.


We discovered that it is the easiest and one of the safest ways to serve.

It helps us to make sense of what is going on around us. Instead of feeling helpless and useless, we have a sense of purpose, small but mighty! 

Source: /blog/2020/6/26/volunteer-driver-opportuni...

Be Known and Nurtured at Second Pres


Second Presbyterian is a church community where you will be known and nurtured. Have a prayer request? Please let us know here. Interested in joining Second? Find more about becoming a member here.

Find upcoming events and announcements here.

And get connected! Join a small group. There are many ways to be involved and to offer your time, talents, and resources in service to others. Please reach out to our Director of Community and Communications Jordyn Pritchard to get connected.

Covid-19 Task Force Update

Currently, Covid-19 cases are trending downward in Charleston county, which is great news. However, our insurance company requires that daily new cases numbers must decrease for 14 consecutive days. While the overall trend is downward, we have not had more than 3 consecutive days in a drop in the number of new cases, so therefore the church must remain closed at this time. Our data is drawn from SCDHEC

Photo Credit: Andrew J. Whitaker for The Post & Courier

Photo Credit: Andrew J. Whitaker for The Post & Courier

The number of new cases in Charleston country from the past 14 days: 

July 29 - 131 new cases

July 30 - 79 new cases

July 31 - 130 new cases

Aug 1 - 125 new cases

Aug 2 - 111 new cases

Aug 3 - 108 new cases

Aug 4 - 121 new cases

Aug 5 - 90 new cases

Aug 6 - 91 new cases

Aug 7 - 110 new cases

Aug 8 - 107 new cases

Aug 9 - 54 new cases

Aug 10 - 78 new cases

Aug 11 - 85 new cases

Meal Delivery Volunteer Opportunity

We need volunteers to help care for our neighbors struggling with homelessness right now. A volunteer driver is needed for each day of the week to pick up and deliver meals for both options described below. Please consider volunteering. You can contact (Cathy) or to Meredith for more information.

1.    The City is partnering with DHEC to support COVID positive individuals who are homeless to isolate in hotel while they convalesce. MUSC is partnering to provide meals for individuals in isolation but volunteer drivers are needed to deliver those meals. Currently 3 meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) are all picked up from the 'horseshoe' driveway in front of MUSC's main entrance around 8am. The meals are then delivered to a hotel in North Charleston on North Rivers Avenue. Volunteers will not directly interact with participants but will simply knock and leave the food at the door for the participant to retrieve. 

2.    The City is also partnering with a hotel downtown Charleston to shelter individuals who are homeless and have tested negative for COVID-19, in an effort to provide additional protections from community exposure. Individuals are provided with regular case management support to help them transition to permanent housing. One80 Place is partnering to provide meals for these individuals but volunteer drivers are needed to deliver the meals. Currently 3 meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) are all picked up from the One80 Place around 10:30am. The meals are then delivered to the various participant's rooms at the downtown hotel. 

The City contact is Christopher Jardin at jardinc@charleston-sc.gov or call 843.607.8570 for more information.

Find out more about the specifics of serving in this way here.

COVID-19 Task Force Post-Survey Update

The Second Pres COVID-19 Task Force met via Zoom this week. 

While COVID-19 deaths are not increasing in our area, hospitalizations are increasing and confirmed cases have tripled in the past three weeks. Requirements by the Insurance Board state that in order to move to stage one of reopening, cases must be in a downward trend for 14 consecutive days. Therefore, we cannot move forward with reopening for worship services at this time. Church services will continue online at www.2ndpc.org. Small groups may be able to meet in the Fellowship Hall sooner, but official determinations and stipulations have not yet been determined. The sanctuary may be opened for weddings and funerals, provided the number of attendees remains very small. 

Thank you to all who participated in the survey and special thanks and acknowledgement to David Savard for conducting the survey. While there is much to be considered and determinations are yet to be presented to session, the survey helps to assess the needs of the congregation. 

Survey Results:

Survey findings of note:

· Roughly 2/3 of participants are over age of 50

· About 80% of participants expect mask requirements

· About 60% will return when coronavirus cases are very small

· About 60% would like to continue meeting online, even if there are no government restrictions

· Roughly half of participants are in an at-risk group or share a household with a member who is at-risk

Full results can be downloaded here.

Conclusions: There is broad support among the participants for waiting to return to in-person worship and an expectation that once we do, procedures such as masks and social distancing will be put in place to protect congregants. A majority of participants are middle-aged and older. A significant percentage are at-risk or share a household with someone who is at-risk. There is an expectation that the recommendations of health professionals be our guiding force, and not politicians or government officials.

We will continue to keep the congregation updated on our findings and considerations as we figure out a path forward in these uncertain times. Please join us for church online and do not hesitate to contact Cress, a deacon, or other church leader if you find yourself in need of prayer or care. 

COVID-19 Task Force,

Katie Mai (chair), Dr. Sallie Schuh, Julia Harlow, Gary Jaffe, Felicia Sanders and Dan Tenpas

The Task Force is referencing and considering resources provided by CAP, PCUSA, and IB as well as information from SCDHEC and the CDC. The images above outline the plan being followed and links to further resources are available below. Anyone is encouraged to contact the Task Force with questions or further consideration- any and all help available is welcome.