In-person Worship


A reminder as you consider coming to worship in person any week:

If you are experiencing one or multiple of the following symptoms, we invite you to enjoy our online service in the comfort of your home:

  • Fever at/above 100.4 degrees

  • Incessant dry coughing

  • Loss of taste or smell

  • Fatigue

  • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath

  • Chest pain or pressure

  • Find more symptom guidelines at


All attending the service will be required to wear masks, with the exception of children 3 years of age and under. Childcare will not be provided. Ushers will show attendees to their seating area. Attendees will remain in their seating areas to the maximum extent possible and attendees will be highly encouraged to fill out an informational insert with a method of contact (e.g. email address). Giving is encouraged online or via text, but there will a place designated for tithes/offerings to be dropped that can be utilized either before being seated or after the conclusion of the service. Attendees will pick up their own bulletins on the way into the service. Hymnals/bibles/reading materials will all be removed from the pews. Liquid hand sanitizer will be available upon entry. Sanitizer wipes will be available in the pews.



Will there still be online church?

-       Yes. In-person Sunday services will now be available, but online church will continue.

What is the maximum occupancy we will be allowing at service?

-       Both the COVID Task Force and Music & Worship committees don’t foresee a maximum occupancy issue arising, especially given the number of church attendees before the outbreak occurred and the sheer size of the sanctuary. This does NOT preclude ushers from turning people away should a massive number of folks show for the indoor services. If this does occur, the COVID Task Force and Music & Worship committee will immediately thereafter begin exploring the exact number of occupants the church can safely admit.


Are there any criteria (i.e. positive case number spike) for suspending service and going back to strictly online recorded worship?

-       Not at the moment. Again, this does NOT preclude a suspension from taking place. Local positive COVID cases will certainly be something the COVID Task Force will continue to closely monitor, and the committee will be vigilant and swift with its recommendation to suspend service if a spike in positive cases occurs.


What sort of cleaning regimen will take place following an indoor service?

-       Pews, high contact surfaces, and bathrooms will be cleaned after each service. Disinfectant wipes will be strategically placed throughout the sanctuary so that high contact surfaces, including doorknobs and handrails, can be disinfected after each use.


What happens if a positive COVID case in the congregation is discovered following a service?

-       Cress will emphasize to the attendees during the service that if they so please, they can fill out a contact card to let us know they worshiped with us that day. If a church attendee tests positive for COVID and contacts the church, their identity will not be revealed to the congregation, but attendees from the affected service who provided their information will be contacted. The church office will send out emails to folks who filled out the contact cards, letting them know that someone who worshiped with them on that particular Sunday has tested positive.