Volunteer with the Children and Youth on Sundays

We are excited to expand our opportunities for children and youth ministry this year to include more activities to foster curiosity and wonder in their spiritual lives. It’s only possible with an amazing team of volunteers invested in supporting the children in our faith community.

Please sign up to volunteer at least 2 or 3 times this semester.


Volunteers are needed on Sunday mornings to help in the nursery (0-2 year olds) and to lead the activity and lesson for either the 3-5K group or 1st-5th graders after the Children’s Chapel group time. You will need to walk over with the children to the Chapel after the Time for Children during church and then walk the children down to your assigned classroom for the lesson and activities. Note that the Time for Children will be a little earlier in the service to allow some more time for these children's ministry activities.

To make it as convenient as possible to volunteer, all lesson plans will be provided ahead of time and any lesson materials will be prepared before you arrive on Sunday morning.


Youth Group volunteers are needed each Sunday from 5:30-7:30 p.m. to help facilitate a time for upper elementary (3rd-5th grade), middle and high school students alongside Mr. Ken.

Volunteers are also needed to provide supper for the Youth Group.


At Second, we value the impact our young people have within our congregation and community. Thank you for volunteering to help make these opportunities for spiritual development, faith formation, and study possible. Please contact our Director of Children and Youth, Ken Carrington at ce@2ndpc.org for more information.

Volunteer Opportunities - November 2021


Please volunteer your time in some way to an upcoming event or to serve on Sunday mornings. Find more event information here, support the work of Second online here, and contact Jordyn to find out more about how to get involved or to help coordinate future volunteer opportunities. Thank you!


THORNWELL EMPHASIS MONTH Thornwell’s mission is to prevent child abuse and neglect, build and reunite families, and support healthy communities in the name of Jesus Christ. Read about Timothy, who was just 13 when he arrived at Thornwell, here.

In our own faith walk, let us remember Timothy’s journey from unimaginable suffering to faith and love, and give generously to Thornwell. The special offering will be given on November 21st, the Sunday before Thanksgiving. Give here today.


Volunteer Opportunities - October 2021


Please volunteer your time in some way to an upcoming event or to serve on Sunday mornings. Find more event information here, support the work of Second online here, and contact Jordyn to find out more about how to get involved or to help coordinate future volunteer opportunities. Thank you!


Volunteer Opportunities - September 2021


Please volunteer your time in some way to an upcoming event or to serve on Sunday mornings. Find more event information here, support the work of Second online here, and contact Jordyn to find out more about how to get involved or to help coordinate future volunteer opportunities. Thank you!

Give to support Second Presbyterian Missions at www.2ndpc.org/give

Give to support Second Presbyterian Missions at www.2ndpc.org/give


Day of Service: Clean up the Graveyard

Come clean up the graveyard on Saturday, September 4th from 9:30-11:00 a.m.

There are rakes and two mowers but if you can, please bring a rake, leaf bags, or a weed eater. Children are welcome- and we could use their help picking up sticks. Remember, many hands make light work, so let’s all pitch in!

Contact Rob or Dawn McCready for more information.

If you can't make it on Saturdays, there is always mowing or raking to be done as you are able. Please contact the church office or the McCready's with any questions.

Volunteer Opportunities - August 2021


Please volunteer your time in some way to an upcoming event or to serve on Sunday mornings. Find more event information here, support the work of Second online here, and contact Jordyn to find out more about how to get involved or to help coordinate future volunteer opportunities. Thank you!

Give to support Second Presbyterian Missions at www.2ndpc.org/give

Give to support Second Presbyterian Missions at www.2ndpc.org/give


Day of Service: Clean up the Graveyard

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Come clean up the graveyard on Saturdays, Feb. 13th, 20th, and 27th from 10-12, as weather allows.

If you can, please bring a rake, leaf bags, or a leaf blower. Children are welcome! They can run around and help pick up twigs. Remember, the more people that help out, the quicker the graveyard will get cleaned up!

Contact Rob or Dawn McCready for more information.

If you can't make it on Saturdays, there is always plenty of raking to be done as you are able, just please take leaf bags out to the sidewalk curb for collection. Please contact the church office or the McCready's will any questions.

UPDATE: February 27th has been added to the calendar! One quarter of the graveyard has been cleared which amassed about 50 bags of leaves! Grateful to everyone who has helped out so far.