Fourth Sunday after Epiphany

Dear Friends in Christ –

There are many questions that are raised in our text for Sunday. Jesus is just coming from his battle royal in the desert. You’ll recall that immediately, as Mark would say, after his baptism Jesus was ‘driven’ into the desert, the wilderness, where the wild things are to battle hunger, heat, cold, exposure, isolation – to battle Satan.

Jesus was compelled to boot camp to condition him for the campaign ahead.

Why do I address you with such bellicose imagery? Because I believe we are at war. We’re in battle daily combating those forces that would demean, would belittle, would destroy the goodness of God’s creation. Those people, things, or forces that would rob us and all of God’s creatures of the blessings and the joy that is ours as people of the Holy God.

It being the Sabbath, Jesus comes to the synagogue (as I’m sure you will) and begins to teach. The people are astounded. He teaches “as one having authority.” Mark says, “Just then.…” Remember Mark is characterized by immediacy, urgency. Just then a man in the synagogue, seemingly possessed, shouts out at Jesus.

Men and women, this may be one of the most important texts of the year because of what Jesus does and when and how he does it – he reclaims the man for life, for his family, for his community for the reign of the Holy. He sends the demon packing!

What does this have to do with us? Everything. Jesus takes care of business. First things first.

This Sunday we baptize Lynnlee Jaffe. We commission Jessica Rodman for her work with the Peace Corp. We celebrate the life of Jim Lichty at 2:00. We are reminded through scripture that through each passage of our lives we are accompanied by the God who loves us and has promised to never let us go. What we get to do!



Souper Bowl of Caring


This year our money collected for Souper Bowl for Caring will go to Sea Islands Hunger Awareness Foundation. The kindergarten will also be hosting a canned food drive simultaneously to benefit SIHA. Collection will be Sunday, February 4th following the 11:15 worship service.
27% of Wadmalaw residents and 15% of Johns Island residents live below the poverty level. That is nearly 4,000 people who struggle with hunger on the islands. Founded at the beginning of 2015, Sea Islands Hunger Awareness Foundation was formed from a desire to ensure consistent and dependable sources of food to reach the people in need.
We are grateful for the opportunity to partner with local organizations as they seek to do kingdom work in the world. Because of volunteers like you, Souper Bowl of Caring is able to mobilize a movement to fight hunger and poverty.



Pray for MBF, week 3


Dear Partners in Mission, 
We are three weeks into prayer and fasting as we continue to seek God this month specifically about meeting our partners' needs. Beginning the year in a deficit position is challenging for us, but not God. He is our provider and he has the answers. Join us. To learn more about this prayer focus and our partners' needs please visit
E. Andrew Mayo
CEO, Medical Benevolence Foundation

Goodbye Jessica


During the 11:15am service this Sunday, January 28th, Jessica Rodman will be commissioned in her call to discipleship as a Peace Corps Volunteer before she deploys in mid-April to teach English in former Soviet Georgia in Eastern Europe. Georgia has a long history of invasion and is currently recovering from their recent Russian occupancy. Jessica will be a part of a woman's/girls' empowerment program since trafficking is prominent in this area.

Jessica has been an involved member of both the church and the Journey the last few years and will be missed and prayed for as she leaves Charleston.

Goodbye Melvin


A reception will be held in the Fellowship Hall immediately after the 11:15am service this Sunday, January 21st to recognize our beloved church sexton, Melvin Kizer, upon his retirement.



Pray for MBF, week 2


Dear Partners in Mission, 
You are invited to join us as we continue in prayer for direction and ability to meet our partners' needs. Starting the year off with a deficit due to hurricane response, we are asking you to join us in prayer every Friday for the month of January as we seek God's direction in how to meet our partners' needs. Please join us as we lift up those who serve the poorest of the poor in the developing countries of Haiti, Kenya, DR Congo and Malawi. To read more about this prayer focus, please visit us at

E. Andrew Mayo
CEO, Medical Benevolence Foundation

Third Sunday after Epiphany

Dear Friends in Christ,

Remember when fishing was just fishing? Well, now there seems to be a bunch of folks phishing as well – those malevolent folks who troll the internet and present themselves as worthy of your trust only to invade those areas  you thought were secure to steal your passwords, your account numbers, your life.

The gospel writer, Mark, whose narrative is known for its compelling urgency, reports Jesus as saying, "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news." Then he goes on to call his first disciples from their lives as fishermen.

In the first text, Jonah, still smelling of blubber, petulantly lobs the message of repentance to the Ninevites – the moment is now! There is action to be taken. There is grace to be received. Repent.

Get the memo?

If you’ve heard the last three guest preachers, you get a pass this Sunday! (Not!)

But this Sunday we get to engage scripture and begin work anew on our attendance pins - I’m excited to be back and we’ll recognize Melvin Kizer for his 35 years of service to generations of this church, and the Kingdom.

With gratitude and anticipation –


Staff Thank You


Thank you! The church staff is so thankful for the family we have at Second Presbyterian Church. A sincere and grateful Thank You for the Christmas gift you all provided and for everything you do alongside us throughout the year. And a personal note from Annie Ravenel: Thank you so much for the monetary gift given to me for Christmas. I apologize for the delayed response as I have had a few issues going on. However, I am very grateful for your generosity and all the love and kindness displayed to me. You all are so wonderful. May God continue to bless you beyond measure.

Pray for MBF, week 1


Dear Partners in Mission, 
You are invited to join us in our first week of prayer for direction and ability to meet our partners' needs. Starting 2018 in a deficit position due to Hurricane Harvey is not how we thought we would ring in the New Year, but we know that God is good and loves those we serve and continue to build sustainable medical missions with. If you would like more information about how and why we are dedicating this time to prayer, please visit us at

E. Andrew Mayo

CEO, Medical Benevolence Foundation

Illumination Project 2017


Overall Accomplishments of the Illumination Project in 2017

  • Hosted 17 Listening Sessions
  • Listening Session topics have included: building relationships through similarities and differences: police accountability, history of race in America and its impact today, Freedom + Equity = Success, and how to strengthen unity across the city of Charleston.
  • Each Listening Session includes officers from the Charleston Police Department. Attendance depended on the topic, demographics and the geographic and location of the particular session.
  • Total of 1144 Citizens/Police Officers participated in 2017

Download a detailed description of 2017 Listening Sessions as a PDF.



Montreat Youth Conferences for rising 9th-12th graders: June 10th-16th at Montreat Conference Center in Montreat, NC. Rising 6th-8th graders: July 18th-22nd at Maryville College in Maryville, TN. For more information regarding costs, details, scholarships or questions please email Liv. Must sign up by March 1st.

Wednesday Night Suppers


Wednesday Night Supper resumes this Wednesday, January 17th in the Fellowship Hall at 5:30pm. Join us for Supper at Second followed by fellowship and fun for all ages.

Supper is $5 for adults and $3 for children with a $15 family max.

There will be no Supper at Second on February 14th, March 28th or April 4th and it will finish for a summer break with a Talent Show on April 25th.

Rev Melton Clark, football captain


The University of South Carolina will officially honor 1892 football team's forgotten captain - Melton Clark. Rev Melton Clark was the quarterback and elected captain of the first Gamecock football team in 1892. Clark has long been recognized with portraits on church walls and in parochial history references. He was a professor and acting president at the Columbia Theological Seminary and was a prominent pastor at Second Presbyterian from 1916-1920. But his 1892 contribution as the University of South Carolina’s first football captain has been overlooked in school record books and the Gamecocks’ Hall of Captains inside Williams-Brice Stadium - until now.

Find Gene Sapakoff’s full story at

Travel Club

travel club.png

A new Second Travel Club will meet once a month for people to gather to talk about travel experiences, future plans, and hopefully even take some weekend trips together. A first "Get to Know You" Meeting will be held on January 20th with appetizers and travel-related games with prizes. Contact Nicole Schuerman ( or 630-853-4734) for more information.