Easter Sunday

Sunday morning worship at 10:30 a.m.

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SERMON SNAPSHOT: Sunday, April 9, 2023

Dear Friends in Christ –      

Catherine Caimano writes:
There is a wonderful website, put together by an online magazine called SMITH , that it is a collection of six-word memoirs -- people both famous and ordinary trying to distill their lives down to six words about what is most important or distinguished or interesting about them. Everyone is invited to participate, and there is an ongoing gallery of the most recent offerings.

Some six-word stories are poignant: “I still make coffee for two,” writes someone recovering from a breakup.

Some are clever: “Well, I thought it was funny,” is the offering of comedian Stephen Colbert.

Some are tragic: the inspiration for the project was an old tale about Ernest Hemingway, who, challenged to write a story in six words, is said to have come up with this: “For Sale: baby shoes, never worn.”

There are 775,000 words, more or less, in the Bible, and not one of them makes sense without these six words. There are roughly 2 billion Christians in the world, and not one of us has a thing to say without these six words: Jesus is risen from the dead.”

Men and women, Easter is the day that we proclaim the mystery that defines who and whose we are, what we are to do, how we are to act. Easter illuminates our past and gives our future meaning, purpose and joy. 

Come to worship this Sunday. In the reality and the mystery of Christ’s resurrection we will sing, pray and proclaim the six words for and through which we live: Jesus is risen from the dead!

In great anticipation –


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Source: sermons