Flat Jesus

flat jesus.png

Spring and summer are busy times of the year! Spring brings a lot of time spent outside with family and friends and a whole new schedule of sports. Families begin to wrap up the school year with final projects, testing and a whole long to-do list full of things. There’s spring break trips and plans, Easter egg hunts, end of the year cookouts and the travels begin. As your family begins to make travel plans this spring and summer, would you consider taking a special guest with you on your adventures? Whether they are local, near or far, consider taking this someone special with you. Let “Flat Jesus” be a part of all your fun!

What is “Flat Jesus?”

 FLAT JESUS was created as a way to keep our church connected as we approach the travel seasons of spring and summer.

Here’s how “Flat Jesus” works: 

Print out Flat Jesus, color him in, and take of picture of him wherever you go. You’ll love taking FLAT JESUS out to dinner with you, on Spring Break, to the beach, to hang with your grandchildren, and when you meet new friends all over town! It’s an amazing adventure. Take FLAT JESUS with you and see what happens.   

How to create your very own Flat Jesus: 

1. Print out the template - on heavy cardstock paper if possible. 

2. Be creative! Decorate Flat Jesus. Think about what, if anything, his robe should say.  What color and type of hair does your Flat Jesus have? Any accessories? 

3. Make one for yourself and one for a friend!

4. Place a reminder on the back of your Flat Jesus on how and where to send pictures of your Flat Jesus’ adventures. Send pictures to Miss Liv (olivia.cappelmann@2ndpc.org)

 5. If you have access to a laminating machine, laminate your Flat Jesus. This way if he attempts to walk on water he’ll be protected! 

6. Take your Flat Jesus everywhere with you and take lots of pictures and then share them with us.

7. Talk with family and friends about what you and Flat Jesus experienced.

There are lots of things happening here at Second that Flat Jesus would love to be a part of, too. Wednesday night suppers and studies wrap up on April 25th with the “Second Annual Talent Show.” We hope that you will join us for a night of fun, food and fellowship with your church family. Three of our high school youth will be traveling to Montreat Youth Conference the week of June 10th-16th. We will also take a group of middle school youth to the Montreat Middle School Conference at Maryville College July 18th-22nd.

Have you marked your calendars for Vacation Bible School yet? It is June 24th-28th from 5:30-8:00 every night and we need you! There are lots of ways to be involved in VBS and we cannot do it without you. If you have any questions about how to get involved or register your child for VBS please give Liv a call or send her an email.