Warming Center Volunteers Needed

warming center

Volunteers are needed as support for the City of Charleston's Warming Center this winter! 

From November 1 through March 20, when the temperature dips below a specified level (an estimated 27 nights), those dealing with homelessness and those who have inadequate heating will be welcomed into the center from 8 p.m. until 7 a.m.

Volunteers set up the rooms, others prepare or serve a dinner, others spend the night (two shifts), others serve breakfast, and the last team cleans up. If you might consider being part of a team for one or two weeks during those months, please fill out the form below or let Sarah Mitchell know as soon as possible.

UPDATE: We are helping with food preparation (dinners and breakfasts) the week of January 3rd - 9th. All meals are prepared and delivered ahead of the arrival of those spending the night. There are four volunteers on our team so far, and more would be most welcome!