Hands of Christ 2020


Special Offering this Sunday for Hands of Christ

Thank you for your continued support of our effort as a Church to support the incredible Hands of Christ ministry in the Charleston community. This year may be even more important than ever. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are modifying our distribution to safeguard both our members and the children we serve. Rather than hosting the event at Second, we will be asked to deliver bags of pre-staged clothing to the downtown schools. Those schools will be submitting orders directly to Hands of Christ, which the team will stage at Westminster Church. We will need volunteers to pick up the clothing bags and deliver them to schools--and most importantly, we need the continued support of your donations during our special offering to allow us to serve as many children as we can during these difficult times.

You can donate toward the Special Offering for Hands of Christ today. You may send a check to the church or use the online donation tool and designate 'Hands of Christ'.