A Time for Hope

Sunday morning worship at 10:30 a.m. in-person, following CDC guidelines, and live streamed here.

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SERMON SNAPSHOT: Sunday, September 5, 2021

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Dear Friends in Christ – 

A year ago…

"I was just sitting in the sanctuary. The cushions are up, stacked and covered with plastic. The hymnals and bibles removed from the pews to prevent spread of germs once we return. The sound of my footsteps ringing as I walk down the center aisle. Sometimes it takes a stark moment to shock us into recognition of how bizarre and disrupted these days are. 

"How fortunate are we to have each other and our common reservoir of strength for these times, the Spirit of God to give us direction, comfort, hope. 

"This Sunday we look to Paul’s letter to the Romans – his magnum opus it’s been called. Paul is writing to a congregation he did not start, to people he does not know in a center of empire he has never visited. He intends to stop in Rome on his way to Spain. This letter is his ‘calling card’ – the writings of a man who has spent two decades sharing the good news of the enfleshed Jesus God.

"This text speaks to our time, this time, these times as a virus rampages and civility and respect are in short supply. Into this moment God’s word breaks reminding us to be good citizens, loving disciples clothed in the light of God – the work we get to do this Labor Day. 

"Tune in and have your elements ready for communion!”

A year hence and here we are, living in faith, living in hope – still.

In anticipation and in confidence – 


UPDATED WORSHIP SAFETY GUIDELINES: Due to the high rate of COVID-19 community transmission, the CDC is recommending indoor masking in public settings. Please wear a face mask, even if you are fully vaccinated. Please worship from home if you are exhibiting any COVID-like symptoms, are aware of an exposure, or have been asked by a school or other institution to quarantine or isolate.

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Source: sermons