Third Sunday after Epiphany

Dear Friends in Christ,

Remember when fishing was just fishing? Well, now there seems to be a bunch of folks phishing as well – those malevolent folks who troll the internet and present themselves as worthy of your trust only to invade those areas  you thought were secure to steal your passwords, your account numbers, your life.

The gospel writer, Mark, whose narrative is known for its compelling urgency, reports Jesus as saying, "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news." Then he goes on to call his first disciples from their lives as fishermen.

In the first text, Jonah, still smelling of blubber, petulantly lobs the message of repentance to the Ninevites – the moment is now! There is action to be taken. There is grace to be received. Repent.

Get the memo?

If you’ve heard the last three guest preachers, you get a pass this Sunday! (Not!)

But this Sunday we get to engage scripture and begin work anew on our attendance pins - I’m excited to be back and we’ll recognize Melvin Kizer for his 35 years of service to generations of this church, and the Kingdom.

With gratitude and anticipation –
